Gym, Fitness
Pondy Bazaar
Toys, Books, Kids, Babies, Toddlers
Play, Games, Puzzles
Ice cream, Cake, Sweets
Library, Music, Arts
Sudoku, Chess
English Language Camp 2012

Do you often wonder whether pronounce and pronunciation are said in the same way?

Is the r in environment at all heard? Is it really a four-syllable word?

How would you describe music, dinners and people? Nice?  
How about
heavenly music, a delicious dinner or a pleasant person?

Let your children learn the correct pronunciation of words while increasing their vocabulary list
and learning to use it effectively in their communication.
Games and activities will aid to make the learning more fun and interactive.  

Age: 9 yrs - 14 yrs;  
Apr 16
2012 – Apr 27 2012
Time: 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.