Teacher Time
Reading is Fun
Reading or listening to stories is great fun, and it benefits your
children's growth as readers and learners. Young children who love to
hear stories usually grow up to be the best, most prolific readers. It
nurtures your children's love of both the written and spoken word. It
also gives the kids a chance to rediscover favorite stories and find
new ones.

Drawing / Colouring
Studies show that participation in the arts aids brain development and
helps children learn mathematics, reading, science and other
curricular subjects more effectively. Children's imaginations blossom
through art. Young children will get a chance to experiment with colours
and try their hand at drawing as well.

Puzzles / Maths
Count, sort, explore, group, experiment–there's so much to do with
puzzles and games tailored to take skills to the next level. As children
investigate with various puzzles, they begin to understand abstract
concepts such as numbers, shapes, symbols, and relationships.

Clay Modelling, origami and other crafts are taught to young children
to bring out their creativity.The classes are a good way for children to
interact and socialise with their peers, through fun activities.  Taking
part in craft classes is likely to be enjoyable for children and could help
boost their confidence in their own abilities.

English Language Skills
Kids get a chance to improve upon their speaking and basic writing
skills.  Show N Tell activity is conducted to help the child understand
how something is described.  Their listening skills also improve as
they watch and learn from their peers.  Cursive writing is also
introduced to children who are familiar with the alphabets.